• Walk around the Park Monceau and discover the beautiful mansions of famous Jewish families who were part of the Parisian rich elite society living in this brand new area of Paris from the mid nineteenth century.
  • Discover contemporary art exposed in various art centers usually closed to the genaral public with outstanding patrimonial value and meet artists in their workshop. Destined to art lovers, this tour also propose to go beyond Paris city limits to the suburbs in order to visit suburban ateliers or renowned art galleries located in the Greater Paris area.
  • Amid disarray and chaos, the German army entered Paris on the 14th of June 1940. They will rule over Paris until the end of August 1944. Between grand and small history, the tour takes you to see the main buildings where the German invaders settled and ruled for four long years. Lives, actions and fates of a few unknown people living through this period will also be told along the way, between Occupation, Resistance, Collaboration, Deportation and Liberation.
  • This tour will explore the Cité Island with some of the most beautiful Gothic monuments built in Paris. After a reminder of what the Paris urban plan was in the Middle Ages, we'll discover the former palace of the Kings, now home of the Palais de Justice (courthouse) where the Queen was on trial during the French Revolution, the Saint Chapel, the Conciergerie (prison during the French Revolution) from the outside, and of course the Cathedral Notre Dame both from outside and inside. The tour will end in the Latin Quarter with a few last interesting places.

    Note that due to long lines and security checks, Sainte Chapelle and Conciergerie are on optional visit for the end of the tour and require advanced booking. 

  • This is an enchanting tour in the Montparnasse area. Even if today, the neighborhood is more well known for a huge commercial centre, train station and its emblematic 1970's tower, Montparnasse is filled with back alleys, amazing stories, artists homes and workshops as well as a vibrant day and night life especially embodied with the famous great brasseries that made the area famous around the world in the first half of the twentieth century.
  • A stroll around the streets of Pigalle, the world famous ancient red light district of Paris will show you hidden tracks and buildings linked to the love business. With around 10 000 prostitutes, cabarets and erotic shows in Paris at the end of the nineteenth century, the capital of France could attract visitors eager to blend in a risqué atmosphere far from home.
  • Come and explore this unknown neighborhood of Paris, hidden between the Opera and Montmartre. From famous 19th century artists' mansions to small museums dedicated to romantic or symbolic painters, follow the path of vibrant artists such as Chopin or Delacroix. Discover hidden alleys, artists hideouts and amazing stories linked to this little known district. Two  intiliate and beautiful Museums on option: the painter Gustave Moreau's house-atelier and the musée de la vie romantique (Romantic life Museum)
  • Half day tour in Versailles: the most visited chateau in the world, built under the authority of Louis XIV, the Sun King. Guided tour of the palace of Versailles, the main Chateau grand apartments, and the king's bedchamber, along with the park's fountains and groves. Transportation will take place with local train between Paris, Versailles and back.
  • Around the Montsouris park, there are several charming and bucolic streets that celebrities of the 1920s, after leaving Montparnasse, made their home. The architectural style of these houses is worth a look and corresponds to the technical and artistic criteria of a very precise movement. In the immediate vicinity, lies the imposing Cité Internationale Universitaire, made famous by its ideals, wide green spaces, student residents from around the world, and also renowned architects who worked on several of the buildings.
  • Discover the luxurious mansions of the Plaine Monceau. This popular area of the city gives you an impression of being in a Parisian village. In the second half of the 19th century, wealthy people settled in the Monceau district, building beautiful mansions near its picturesque park. We will approach several, uncovering hidden and magnificent courtyards, detail the park and finish with a very unusual street favored by up and coming 19th century artists.
  • Discover mythical streets and monuments of Paris through an enchanting walk between the Royal Palace and the Arc de Triomphe. The history and architecture of these places will be explored during this walk, revealing its many hidden secrets and unknown anecdotes. We will move along the central avenue, which formulates part of the part of the long, linear perspective of the grand boulevards of Paris to business district la Défense.
  • Paris is much older than one might at first think, at least twice as old as Notre Dame. Before the year 1000, there was, in this order: a Gallic settlement, a Roman city, and a Frankish royal capital—visited by people such as Julius Caesar, Julian the Apostate, and Clovis the King of the Franks. Many vestiges of this ancient history are buried today beneath the streets of visible, modern part of town. From the île de la Cité to the ramparts of the 12th arrondissment, we will pass through the Roman Forum and baths before completing the tour at the famous Arenes de Lutece (Lutetia's arenas).
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