This tour will take you on a pleasant and informative stroll along the Seine river, and help you amire the beautiful sites built along the way. You will discover all patrimonial landmarks as well as great history and little known facts about the neighborhood, and of course get some information about what the area has to offer when it comes to shopping and food.
If a few places are world famous, some other are less conspicuous or reopened recently. The stroll will take you all the way up to Place de la Concorde.
Orientation walk
Orientation walk along the Seine river
Practical informations
- Location : suggested start: Place Vendome
- Duration : 2h
- Walking tour
The orientation walk will introduce you to the famous landmarks and
history of the area surrounding your hotel, but also to the stories about the people who have lived here and other little known facts.
Starting from the Latin Quarter and its vibrant history, the tour will then explore the Cité island, just across the river with must see places from the outside, like Notre Dame Cathedral, the Sainte Chapelle and the Conciergerie, the first palace of the Kings of France in Paris, before the Louvre.
The stroll goes on around an other important site: the old Paris courthouse, leading to a beautiful 400 years old quaint sqaure and to the oldest bridge in Paris: the Pont Neuf. The panorama over the Seine river from there is one of the best. Nearby we find a mythic department store, where luxury meets art and history. Art Nouveau and Art Deco buildings offer some of the most beautiful examples of architectural wonders in Paris.
We will then go toward the Louvre Museum, just nearby and admire the exterior decoration in the yards from East to West, understanding better the whole evolution of the 800 years old building, from fortress to Royal Palace and now to the largest Museumin the world.
The last part of the tour will take us to to the Royal Palace and its wonderful gardens hidden behind, where the first shopping mall was invendted.
Outside the Louvre, another beautiful garden oppens: the Tuileries garden, where some of the most important pages of French history were signed. Art and food kiosks cooled by many trees, and large water pondss line the garden towards the end at Place de la Concorde.
One of the largest squares in the world, filled with pristine 18th century architecture and urban fittings, saw the guillotine during the French Revolution and all the famous sport events as well as important parades for the 2024 Olympic games.
This basic city walk along the Seine can also be changed to an itinerary closer to a hotel or any neighborhood in Paris, showing the highlights and giving all practical information on the way.