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Explore Montmartre, one of Paris’s most famous neighborhoods. World famous for shows and entertainment since the mid-nineteenth century, Montmartre stands out from other districts of Paris.

The old village remained known for a long time only for its prestigious abbey. It was built on the site of the martyrdom of Saint Denis, the first bishop of Paris.
Filled with more than 30 windmills up to the twentieth century, Montmartre attracted artists as well as down and outs. 

As a former stone quarry, the hill was uneasy to build over for a long time. It’s why typical Montmartre houses have only two floors. Higher buildings came only just before the Second World War and dire gentrification since the 1960’s.

Many cabarets and bars remain as well as artists coming from all over the world. Charming streets, quaint houses and must-see places are definitely to discover!

Walk in English organized for expats in Paris.



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